In this section of the website, I invite active members to write posts on topics in the appropriate categories, and non active members are permitted to read and respond. If you would like to add posts and articles of your own, you have 2 options.
1: You can become an active member (by posting your first post in an open forum or thread) and then proceed to add new topics under the niche category.
2: If you have a steady flow of articles to write or discuss, you can request your own section to pretty much do what you want with. You will receive more clout or reputation overall. If you would like a section of your own, become an ACTIVE MEMBER, and request this of me through the message system here.
Over all, this section is open to the public and the search engines to read, so be sure to add the most well written content you can. The private members forums also has a Sandbox, where members can essentially practice write their posts. It is also the only area of the forum for now, that allows members to delete their sandbox work. Access it here:, you can post any other subjects that do not fit in the categories, right here in this forum Column and Article Series. If it is determined they fit in one of the pre made cats... they can be moved later when the forum goes through clean up.
One more very important and valuable feature:
If you are writing articles or columns in the forums, periodically I will choose a couple to add to the global publication. This will place your article to 1000's of newsletters across the service platform we are on here.
This will push your articles, name and brands to a plethora of email boxes and be accessible to the entire community on this service platform, for free! Our "MAG" is just starting and will grow with the forum. You can access the publication here: at some point a couple writers here, will be given access on their own. It's a win for all!