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 What will change in May 2023

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CMA Admin
CMA Admin

Join date : 2020-07-26
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What will change in May 2023 Empty
PostSubject: What will change in May 2023 What will change in May 2023 Icon_minitimeTue 11 Apr 2023, 4:08 pm

For those of you wondering about what kind of ads you might see after I downgrade, at the end of this post is a link to an older forum that was active before I pivoted back to the printables and plr niche. The forum below was when I was deep into the psp, and the scrapbook niche, which I still do, but now on a much smaller level along with all the other creative endeavors.

This post came from the aforementioned forum....

Using AdBlockers....

This is something I strongly recommend. 
The forum here (link below) runs ads, not as if they need to lol.
If it's something you don't want to see, then by all means use an AdBlock!
I use AdBlock on my Chrome Browser, you can use anything you like that works for you.

I have been on this platform for 13 years and have never had any problems, I don't see ads, and there are no weird goings on here. So don't let the ads deter you, simply enable an ad block and everything will be great.

If you have trouble registering, disable your blocker temporarily, and look for the verification in your email, (and check spam in case), then after you have confirmed, you can then turn it back on! 

You also see a lot less ads if you are a logged in member, only the banner ads in the ad spots should show up after login.

Read the next post for further info on changes...
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CMA Admin
CMA Admin

Join date : 2020-07-26
Posts : 720
Location : The TARDIS

What will change in May 2023 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What will change in May 2023 What will change in May 2023 Icon_minitimeMon 24 Apr 2023, 2:25 pm

Hi guys,

I sent this email to subscribers last week, but realised yesterday I had forgotton to send it to the actual forums members.

About the forums,

I have decided as mentioned in a previous subscriber email, that I am going to revert the upgrades on the Forum because

1: only a handful of folks are using it, and

2: finances, it isn't cheap!

Please know that very little will change for any of you who do use it, except, the platform will begin serving their own ads (much like Wordpress dot com) but if you are bothered by them, by all means use ADBLOCK on Chrome, or on whatever browser you use. I don't see a bludy thing on any sites, and it is free as an extention on your browser.

99% of what any of you are using now on the forum should not be affected, and the 1% that might be, no one is using anyway. The chat feature will still be there to talk to the community, the features should all still work the same.

New members, or non fully activated members will still need to go through the steps to activate, and the forums will still be as safe as ever.

This will probably take affect the middle of next month, so if you have not downloaded any of the free gifts the forum has, as "Fully Activated" members, you should go check and see if you have them all yet, because one thing that will change is the amount of space I will have for uploaded zip files.

In the future I will need to link them to a cloud system.
Maybe in the future if things improve I may upgrade the forum again, but honestly, I run another 9 of these forums for me and other people I have built them for, and only 2 have been upgraded, and the rest have more active members than we do here.

What's wrong with this picture, well I surely don't know!

Anyhow, I just wanted to be sure everyone had this update and what's coming. I hope more of you will get active with or without the upgrades.

You all mean the world to me, you really do!

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