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 Our Mission: Passion Equals Success

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CMA Admin
CMA Admin

Join date : 2020-07-26
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Our Mission: Passion Equals Success Empty
PostSubject: Our Mission: Passion Equals Success Our Mission: Passion Equals Success Icon_minitimeWed 29 Jul 2020, 2:46 pm

Success requires more than just learning. It involves Passion, commitment, consistency,
and most of all FUN! and having a Community of Support so you can take ACTION.

When you are passionate you create enthusiasm, engagement, and energy, which in turn creates a very powerful public appeal.
When you have passion, you can accomplish anything. ANYTHING!

What is a Passion?

Passion is when you focus your time, energy and actions into a something, (a person, a project, a business ) that will move you, your family, or your business forward by re-newing and re-energizing you and your surroundings, giving you an open door for you to express your voice, your intention, increasing your visibility and your opportunities. Passion can attract new life, new people, and new opportunities while charging your mind and body with endless love for living! Who doesn’t want that? Passion is something that makes you come alive and gets you excited for what comes next!

What are your passions?

What are you passionate about? Is it cooking, sewing, gardening? Maybe it's accounting, (yes I know, but some folks are passionate about numbers !) or maybe it's Yoga, Karate, or even car mechanics.

What ever it might be, likely you have had an idea or 2 burning on the back burner, or even been afraid to start to work on it to begin with. (I might screw it up, this fabric is too expensive to make a mistake, what if my cake melts in the rain (ha ha, you might have to be my age to get that last metaphor.

Does any of that sound familiar? You’ve been thinking about it for a while. Maybe you keep pushing it back in your mind or on your calendar, but you have to be courageous, and your passionate ideas have to start somewhere.

What you’re passionate about will create the success you need for you to succeed your way, because it is something you love, and is also fun (HA, see where the fun filters into success).
Join Me and others at Color My Agenda so we can all learn, and boost our passions and creatives together, into a profitable hobby, or blossoming side business.

Yep, that's what this is all about, to help you squelch that negative voice, learn new things, and turn passionate dreams into reality and success, in as many ways as possible!

You don’t have to know what hobby or talent you have before you join us and begin learning, sharing or participating. We’ll have discussions on all kinds of ideas, even and especially ones YOU add to the mix. You will see and read some thought-provoking articles and exercises onsite, and you’ll get to use some fun, creative tools, and discover new and exciting things to become passionate about!

Don't wait for the perfect time, learn or discover a hobby or skill  that you already have passion for, learn and get help to create the momentum you need, to help you put your passions into a fun and profitable business.

Put YOUR passion and creativity into a project that makes YOU come alive, re-energizes your life,, AND attracts just the right people and opportunities to you!

What can being a part our community do for you?

We will get YOU excited and enthusiastic about learning new things, and putting your hobbies and skills to work for you to better your life.

For Sharers, and instructors, we will help boost your online presence, easily drawing attention to you and your courses or business. Wouldn’t you like to attract the attention by sharing your expertise, and helping others? Become an Influencer!

We create an outlet for you to express yourself and your creativity! Step out and share your knowledge with others … and see who you attract!

We can help increase your VISIBILITY so that your ideal clients and customers can find you!

This website can easily help you attract more media attention, SEO, social media… just by putting your knowledge and expertise, as well as sharing experiences out into the world! PLUS! Many of the courses and discussions here we do not charge for, although we do have paid courses too. Many of our  instructors, influencers or course studies are given to you as the gift of learning. So what are you waiting for, come on over and join our community!

Last edited by CMA Admin on Fri 11 Dec 2020, 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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CMA Admin
CMA Admin

Join date : 2020-07-26
Posts : 720
Location : The TARDIS

Our Mission: Passion Equals Success Empty
PostSubject: Re: Our Mission: Passion Equals Success Our Mission: Passion Equals Success Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2020, 5:23 pm

Why It's Important to Have Passions

If you've ever felt as though life doesn't make much sense or as though you're drifting kind of aimlessly, then what you're missing is real passion. Having passion in your life is often the secret to finding real happiness and there are countless reasons that this is the case. If you're wondering what it means to have real passion and why it's so important then read on and re-discover what really matters.

What is Passion?

When we're talking about passions, we're not talking about sex. Sure, it's important to have passion in your relationship and this is one type of passion but it is also not the only type of passion there is.
Passion then refers instead to anything that you feel super excited about and anything that makes you eager to get out of bed in the morning. Everyone has different passions and there's no limit on what you can be passionate about, or on how many passions you can have. For some, music is the burning passion that drives them while for others it's more about teaching, or math or Star Trek.

Really it doesn't matter what you're passionate about but what matters is that you have things that you feel completely excited about and that you let yourself feel that way about them.

Why Passion is So Important

So why is this so important?
Well for starters, having a passion – even one that other people don't find exciting – will give you tons to look forward to and to be interested in. Even if you passion is just 'action films', it means that you'll have something to do in the evenings like watch old movies and things to look forward to excitedly.

Likewise, passions tell us about ourselves and they force us to grow. If you're passionate about music then you'll no doubt practice playing an instrument which will help you to develop dexterity, timing, rhythm and creativity – and which will make you more attractive even to the opposite sex.

Passions can also give us direction in life. If you feel passionately about stopping global warming then that gives you a mission. No longer are you just living life from day to day, instead you are working towards a goal and for a cause that's bigger than yourself. This is what makes people feel motivated and important.
So if you're wondering what it's all about, you're asking the wrong question. The question should be: what's it all about for you.

Time to find out.
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CMA Admin
CMA Admin

Join date : 2020-07-26
Posts : 720
Location : The TARDIS

Our Mission: Passion Equals Success Empty
PostSubject: Re: Our Mission: Passion Equals Success Our Mission: Passion Equals Success Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2020, 5:25 pm

Why Passion is Attractive

Want to be more attractive and sexy to absolutely everyone? There's a simple solution and that's just to feel more passionate about whatever it is that you're doing. When you're passionate, this is something that comes across in everything you do (you don't have to be 'doing' the thing you're passionate about…) and that will make you far more attractive and impressive. Here we will look at why that is…

What Passion Does to You

When you are highly passionate about something, this comes across in everything you say and do. It gives you a kind of intensity in your eyes and it makes you seem much more impressive as a result. Without any kind of passion whatsoever you will be just 'drifting' through life and that certainly isn't very attractive.
At the same time, when you speak about something you're passionate about, this gets other people engaged and interested in what you're saying. This then makes them stand up and take notice and it makes you seem more powerful as a result.

What's more, when you're passionate, you gesticulate more. In other words, you'll wave your hands around more, you'll point at things and you'll move and take up more space as you communicate. Studies show us that gesticulation greatly correlates with what we think of as 'charisma' and so someone who is charismatic is someone who is passionate. And charisma is certainly attractive.

On top of all this, being passionate means having more interests that you care deeply about. In turn, this will make you more interesting, give you more to talk about and make you more mysterious.
In other words, when you have a passion that you care deeply about, you become a more interesting, charismatic and charming person and this makes you more attractive as well. If you can then get others swept up in your passion you'll find that it's a great way to meet people, to make a big impression and to potentially find romance.

Sharing Your Passion

Your passion becomes even more attractive when you can share it with someone else. When you find someone who feels equally strongly about what it is that you love or when you are able to introduce someone to a whole new world that you find fascinating and exciting, then you will find that it's possible to really grow together and to form a bond that's incredibly strong.
So yeah, passion is the new sexy!
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