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PostSubject: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeSat 12 Dec 2020, 12:58 am

You might be wondering why I or anyone involved here would want to do this, share knowledge freely. You may be wondering how this platform can help you build a business from your knowledge. It is quite simple, through a process of people helping and sharing (and learning) the knowledge they have with other people, they are learning how to put themselves out there, testing the waters, and sharing while learning themselves. They are likely to discover the best "course" to follow themselves in this turn of events in their lifestyles. Some of the focus on this website is and will be....

Hobbies Into Profits!

Everyone has a hobby of some kind – most people have several. There are people who collect stamps; people who make scrapbooks or create graphic designs with their digital photos; people who love horseback riding, hiking or bicycling. Maybe you do something that you don’t even know is considered a “hobby”. Technically, anything that you engage in for fun that is outside of your occupational activities is considered a hobby- so chances are you have lots of hobbies!

Have you ever considered turning one of your hobbies into a business? You may be surprised at how virtually any hobby can be converted to profits, and without tremendous overhead or ridiculously high start up costs. What’s even better, you aren’t required to have a specific product to sell! In fact, you can make your knowledge your product to sell. 

If you participate regularly in some sort of hobby, you are bound to know quite a bit about it. If you make scrapbooks of your family and friends, then you probably have extensive knowledge about where to get the best deals on your scrapbooking supplies, and how to create special effects on your photo album pages. Maybe you have magazines and websites that you refer to all the time for inspiration. You have the personal knowledge of what it took to get started in the hobby. For example, scrapbooking requires that you have access to supplies like paper, stickers, glue, photo albums and scrapbooking tools. Someone who has just learned about scrapbooking and thinks they want to start the hobby will need to figure out what they need to get started. You could offer this knowledge as your product to sell. Think people won’t buy it? Think again.

If you’ve ever used a search engine to look up information, you know that it’s time consuming to sort through all the data to find exactly what you’re looking for. Often, you’re given tons of information that doesn’t seem all that reliable, and you have to determine what you can use and what you need to avoid! When you make your personal knowledge of a hobby your product to sell- you’re helping everyone who wants to find that information without spending hours searching for it! 

You do not need to have a physical product to sell in order to make a profit. In fact, having an inventory or having to create physical items from materials offers a lower profit margin than selling information.

Information products are among the top items to sell for a variety of reasons. They offer a low cost to get started, meaning you start earning a profit after just a couple sales. Informational products include eBooks, online courses or email courses, software, audio files, web sites- basically anything that can be downloaded from the internet. You aren’t required to have an inventory and you can set up your business model to allow you to earn money by the work other people do for you.

So now, maybe you’re thinking that this is all well and good- but you still don’t have a product to sell! You haven’t written an eBook, and maybe your writing skills leave little to be desired. Creating online or email courses are time consuming, and to create software you need special training. You can still sell your knowledge. Create a “package” of items that someone would need in order to get started in a particular hobby, and promote it as the “everything you need to know” about starting the hobby. Contact someone who has written an informative eBook on the topic; find someone else who has made an online video or radio show regarding it, and request permission to sell the items in your package. If they have affiliate programs, you can probably sign up for the affiliate programs and earn commission that way. Include your list of great providers for supplies or information that you refer to regularly, and anything else you know a person needs in order to get started in the hobby. This is a product to sell: selling your knowledge.

Once you’ve earned money from this type of information product business, you can invest in the creation of your own products if you want, or start offering more informational products that allow you to sell your knowledge! In order to accomplish that, you have to start somewhere, why not start here with us.

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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeMon 14 Dec 2020, 2:11 am

Happy to be a part of the forum! Thanks for having me!!
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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeMon 14 Dec 2020, 2:12 am

Hi Cherry, and thank you for being here  bounce

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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeWed 23 Dec 2020, 9:57 pm

Aah, I feel like I'm home. What a beautiful sentiment.
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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeThu 24 Dec 2020, 1:21 am

Glad to be here as well.
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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeThu 24 Dec 2020, 1:31 am

Hi Nikolette,
Very glad to have you as well!
We have a long way to go here, please make yourself at home and feel free to make suggestions, or start posting.

This goes for everyone, if you want to post an article, story or whatever... and your not sure where, just post where you find an open thread for member to post in, and if it needs to be moved later, it is no biggie. Just be aware as to whether you want to post to the private members only, or for the public to see. The index of the forums should give you a clue as to which forums are which, until I can also get that written out as faqs.

Last edited by CMA Admin on Fri 24 Jun 2022, 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeSat 26 Dec 2020, 6:18 am


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heller Tells
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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2020, 2:03 pm

Hi, Thank you for the warm welcome
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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2020, 2:16 pm

Hello to you guys! So glad to have you join us...

It's of course a Holiday week, so I am all over the place, trying to get organised to blast off at the start of the year! 

Are you guys with me!?

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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jul 2022, 2:09 pm

How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? 1f60a 
Is anyone doing a Christmas in July sales? Or do you think that is a good idea?
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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jul 2022, 2:12 pm

I sometimes do, but quite honestly, I am worn out from some bundles I was in, and still have one coming up. I don't suppose it's a bad idea, especially if one needs the sales, but personally I did not bother because as mentioned, too many things were too close together the last month.

I also have not paid attention as to whether anyone else was having one, except for Creative Fabrica of course.

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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jul 2022, 2:55 pm

CMA Admin wrote:
I sometimes do, but quite honestly, I am worn out from some bundles I was in, and still have one coming up. I don't suppose it's a bad idea, especially if one needs the sales, but personally I did not bother because as mentioned, too many things were too close together the last month.

I also have not paid attention as to whether anyone else was having one, except for Creative Fabrica of course.

I am not doing any printables yet, I am working through a course to learn more. I got in on Creative Fabrica for $11 monthly so I am happy with that one. I was just wondering. But today and yesterday are Prime Day so I don't expect any sales because of that.

I stopped signing up for bundles for one major reason, it starting to look like to me anyway, that everyone is a affilate for each other. Which is a great idea, but not for someone who gets the same email sharing news for the each other one. I stay on the email lists of people who I have bought from, or do emails that are interesting and not just talking about printables. BTW, I hope you are feeling better! I have a super bad hip myself, I am going to be getting another shot in it next week.
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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jul 2022, 3:28 pm

Thank you for ackowledging my pain lol, and it is really lingering on. I so look forward to the day, if one is coming, that I wake up, and finally notice the pain went away. It came on so suddenly, and I have no idea what aggravated it, except for the fact that all my bones and joints are FQed!

Funny you mentioned that other bit, I wrote an article last year about just that, and a couple of rants lol. It makes me crazy, and I do fall trap to the giveaways, even when I say I am putting the brakes on, but I keep getting sucked in. 

Same with the affiliate thing, also wrote an article about that, both posts are somewhere on this forum, and one I beleive "The Parrot Club" is in the publications which is located in the sidebar....
or go here...

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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jul 2022, 3:50 pm

Thanks! Yeah, I saw your email and realized we are close to the same age. I wish I could be so lucky as to wake up and hip not killing me! bounce
Thanks, sorry I usually don't talk about what really bothers me. But it reminds me a lot like being on teams in Etsy. We help each other out by buying something, and then leave a review for it. Doing that really helps out the smaller team members shops. I don't mind doing it, I buy a lot of tags LOL

 I just getting tired of going through my emails and getting the same.
BUT the worse thing is? Getting this Hey therename! And then ask me if I want to buy your over $500 course. Ah nope! If you can't get my name correct in your email software? Then how do I know if your course is really worth that much?
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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jul 2022, 3:54 pm

Now, I am off my soap box. lol!
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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jul 2022, 4:14 pm

lol, soapboxes are always welcome here lol....

I am over a lot of these courses too, no matter how much they cost.

I just grabbed one last week, and as usual was very disappointed in it.

First off, people either talk, too fast, too low, don't enunciate, bla bla bla...

Secondly, come on, 10 pages and all of them 2 paragraphs of fluff LMAO! 

I usually read about "the next big course" and then go do research to get all the info I need from the net. So give me a break, so called gurus, mentors, and other phonies. Sometimes I look at prices, and already know full well, the shite ain't worth it. 

Not saying it is all shite, but for the most part, this done for you crap, makes a person lazy and uncreative. believe me, I fell for it in the past too. I would rather spend a month creating something that is worthwhile, then follow the "instant products" scenario. 
"You can create 30 products in a month with this system" YUK!!!

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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeWed 13 Jul 2022, 4:20 pm

I got one for a software I bought, and I decided about half-way through the first video that it was a waste of money. I bought a couple of ebooks about it, and got more information from them for less money!

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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeSun 23 Oct 2022, 9:53 am

Thanks for the invite and for sharing your knowledge with us.

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PostSubject: Re: How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? How Can the Color My Agenda Community Help You? Icon_minitimeSun 23 Oct 2022, 2:09 pm

CHagan wrote:
Thanks for the invite and for sharing your knowledge with us.
 You are welcome Christy, glad you took me up on it!

Feel free to express yourself!
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