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 A Long Time Coming Newsletter!!

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CMA Admin
CMA Admin

Join date : 2020-07-26
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A Long Time Coming Newsletter!! Empty
PostSubject: A Long Time Coming Newsletter!! A Long Time Coming Newsletter!! Icon_minitimeTue 30 May 2023, 3:43 pm

WOW, It's been what feels like ages since I sent a newsletter, it has actually been since April 3rd. If you are wondering why, as I may have mentioned before, 2023 has not been the best year for me so far. Along with being in my 70's, and being sick as shite since the year started, so many things have happened both online and in my physical world, and catching my breath has been extremely difficult. So because this year has been such a bust for me, I decided not to fight it, and have basically taken a step back from all of it, and just started to observe things.

One of the things I decided to do after much observation, was pivot or change a few things that were not working, or I was not happy with. We have to do these things in business or in life every now and then to avoid becoming totally stagnant. One of those things were the products I was selling.

As many of you already know, I was in the marketing and plr niche a long time ago starting in 1995, even tho I came from an entertainment profession. When the internet became the thing, I was one of the first to make use of it for business, through writing, and the resell market. I made a ton of cash selling hosting packages as a reseller and I never really had a problem with the PLR business, but it was the marketing end that made me cringe, so I turned away and went back to my artistic background by selling CU graphics and art.

Well that lasted about 7 years, when I realised it was simpy not enough. I had discovered printables, and kept seeing the word PLR attached to the products I was seeing. I quickly discovered that this "new niche of marketers" had changed all the rules, and licenses to suit themselves, and completely messed up the idea of PLR by confusing people and calling commercial use products PLR, which is of course not the same. READ WHAT PLR IS HERE!

After a round about with a few of those new sellers to the PLR game, I decided I would no longer purchase from them (unless they were actually selling Real PLR, not made up terms) nor associate with some of them, as some were found out to be bullies and were not at all encouraging, nor "helping" others as they claim, only helping themselves. I found a few of them conniving, and untrustworthy, and some just downright rude, and have stayed away since, and sometimes even delete or unsubscribe from those that push or promote these folks too much.

I also check on folks who claim they make x amount of dollars through their online business (Hint: only 10 to 20 percent of them actually do, and only a smaller handful make an average of $10 a day!) How do I know this? I own and use software tools that will tell me whether some of these folks lie through their teeth, the same software that allows me to search down folks on the internet that are not good people and are trying to hide.

The question you might want to ask is why do I have this software. Well, at one time in my past, I was seriously considering becoming a private detective. I even went to 6 months worth of classes to become one. What stopped me was my continuing love for the music business and art, plus the 3500 dollars needed (in 1980) to further myself to actually get the license to practise. Later on, when this came available for internet use, I bought the software and thought about continuing the idea of doing online detective work, but once an artist, always an artist I always say....

Anyway, tho the software is out of date in many ways after so many years, it still works, and allows me to see exactly how much a website or store is making on a daily and monthly basis, a true gem of a product. Now to do the same thing, you need to pay online companies a rediculous amount to do the research for you. I believe the software still exists, but now you buy it through a cloud or an affiliate and it's a LOT more money.

I won't trash anyone in particular, that is not my style, so with that said....

Now back to the nitty....

I decided to separate some of the products at Color My Agenda (and get rid of some altogether) and concentrate more on my original plan of selling spiritual products. Out of all the things I know best, it's the music and entertainment biz, graphics, AND the spirit realm. Here is hoping not to cause some of you to go "OH MY", but I (as was my father) am a Proud Pagan. So with that said, my domain name PAGAN KNOT, is now a full fledged store, which sells nothing but spiritual items. This includes (PLR) listed in the store as commercial use, or "CU4CU" which is my code for PLR so as not to disturb the folks who think it is a bad word.

You will find products on Tarot and Astrology (which was my original intent until I got sidetracked by the bogus commercial and personal use products mismarked as plr.

You will find topics and subjects such as Reiki, Yoga, Essential Oils, Herbs, etc...

You will find bundles you can resell, and courses, as well as templates and DFY planners, all in the spiritual niche.

Color My Agenda is not going anywhere, just getting a product overhaul.

I will also be working some more on making the CMA link directory more of a useful website for everyone. If you have not added your website to the directory, it's Free.

Altho there are many more things in the works, as far as new products and business modals etc... one more thing I have decided is to go back to my writing roots, so I have created a few niche publications on MEDIUM, one of them being The Pagan Knot, and I am looking for folks in the spiritual niche who might like to write for the publication. You of course need to be a member of MEDIUM.

Well, I think this post has been long enough, so I will give you a heads up on one last item. I will be promoting a new BUNDLE on Friday, which I have contributed to, I will be back in your mailboxes this week. watch for it, and a special bonus i have created for it, if you purchase through my link...

If I have forgotton anything I will post it on a comment below>>
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